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Self-Or­ga­ni­za­tion by Design


This is the documentation of the workshop "Self-Organization by Design" at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 2014. The workshop aims to get an introduction in programming with Processing and also give an overview about the topic self-organization. The subject is approached via exercises and experiments in the Processing programming language.

Programming topics Procesing Environment - Shapes & Colors - Data types / Variables - Iterations (for / while) - Arrays - Methods / functions - Conditionals - OOP - Export (pixel, vector)

Content Randomness, Pseudo-Random, Gaussian-Random, Noise (Random Walker, Terrain Simulation) - Natural Forms and Fractals (Terrain Simulation, Diffusion Limited Aggegation, L-System) - Vectors, Vector-Fields and particles - Basic Physics - and more

Virtual Classroom Open Processing is a website for learning Processing and sharing sketches. The virtual classroom "Self-Organisation by Design" will be used extensively both during the course, and to publish your assignments.

Time & Place Room # 204 | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | Marienstraße 7b | 99423 Weimar

Block I: Exercises
11:00 - 17:30
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Block II: Exercises
11:00 - 17:30
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Block III: Final Showdown
13.04.2014 (Sunday) | no meeting - just hand over of your final assigment via mail / dropbox and Open Processing

Evaluation >> Regular and active participation in all two workshop blocks.
>> Working on subtasks and presenting them with documentation on OpenProcessing
>> Autonomous preparation of the course involving self-study of the relevant skills (such as programming in Processing)
>> Final Assignment: Individual exploration of self-organisation with documentation

Generative art is the meeting place between the two [Programming and Art]; it's a discipline of taking strict, logical processes and subverting them into creating illogical, unpredictable, and expressive results. [ Matt Pearson: Generative Art. A practical guide using Processing. ]


- Content under construction -


Learning / Programming

Ben Fry, Casey Reas: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists.

Ben Fry, Casey Reas: Getting Started with Processing: A Quick, Hands-on Introductions.

Daniel Shiffman: Learning Processing: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction.

Daniel Shiffman: The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing.

Ira Greenberg: Creative Coding and Computational Art.

Erik Bartmann: Processing. oreillys basics.

Claudius Lazzeroni, Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub: Generative Gestaltung: Entwerfen. Programmieren. Visualisieren. Mit internationalen Best-Practise-Beispielen, Grundlagen, Programmcodes und Ergebnissen.

Jan Vantomme: Creative Programming Cookbook.

Kostas Terzidis: Algorithms for Visual Desin. Using the Processing Language.

Studio NAND (Steffen Fiedler, Jonas Loh both, Stephan Thiel):

Generative Art / Creative Code

Further Reading